
6:37 AM | 0 comments |

Steamed dumplings with chicken filling , served with pungent tomato chutney, flavoured with dried fish.

Serves : 4
Time required : One hour 15 minutes

You will need

300 g flour
Salt-1/2 teaspoon
Salt and pepper to taste
200 g minced chicken
100 g mutton fat
10 g coriander leaves, chopped fine
5 g green chillies, chopped fine
20 g ginger- garlic paste
50 g cabbage, chopped fine
5 g red chilli paste
5 g garam masala powder


Sieve flour. Add salt to taste and enough water and mix to a medium soft dough.

Cook the chicken mince with mutton fat , ginger- garlic paste ,salt and pepper to taste, red chilli paste and garam masala powder till done. When cool , add coriander leaves, green chillies, and cabbage. Mix well and keep aside.

Divide the dough into 36 portions. Roll out the dough into small discs and stuff each with a little of the prepared chicken mixture. Steam in a momo steamer till done. Serve hot with tomato chutney.

Ingredients for golveda achar ( Tomato chutney )

1 kg tomatoes
A little oil
20 flakes ( 40 g ) garlic
50 g coriander leaves
Salt and pepper to taste
1 teaspoon ( 5 g ) chilli powder
A handful of peppercorns or to taste
50 g dried fish


Clean and lightly oil the tomatoes. Bake the oiled whole tomatoes until dark brown. Grind garlic, baked tomatoes and coriander leaves to a fine paste. Season with salt, pepper , chilli powder and black peppercorns. Clean the dry fish and grind to a coarse paste. Add the paste to the tomato puree and stir well . Cook till thick and done.

Nutritive value of each serving-387.4 Kcal
Proteins – 27 g
Fat – 4.7 g
Carbohydrates – 59.3 g



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